...and we talked and window shopped
Today was family day and that means we spend our evenings at Nana's house. Next week is a holiday week so we have a lot of stuff to get done this week and not a ton of time to do it in so we had another fun girls day today. In the morning Evie made a little family tree and we talked about who's in her family and what roles those people play. Then we made some to go "coffee's" and headed out to run errands.
After we made her little tree and while I was working Evie decided to make me some jewelry. This is an example of the things we do while I'm still at work that keep her busy and help her work on her motor skills but also allow me to still focus and get my work done. She set this up on the corner of my work desk and I helped her choose colors to make them with and finished up the twists so she and I could wear them.
She ended up making a lot of rings! She kept going with this until she had no beads left in her little box.
We had our cooking day today too and made these fun little candy corn cups. They have oranges, pineapples, and a little whipped cream on top! It was a pretty fun, if a bit hectic, day. :)
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