Sew it goes...


Today we decided to take a break from playing and review and do some crafting. Tomorrow we are going to have a little spa day so I decided to make some things to go along with that. The holes in these are large and the needles we used are plastic so it was pretty easy for Evie to make them with help. :) She also got to design the faces however she wanted to which she loved. 

First, we made the sleep mask and then we started on the slippers. It got tricky for her to do the slippers since there are so many layers to go through so I had to complete the assembly on one of them, but she did really well helping out where she could!

Everything turned out really cute! You can tell which shoe Evie did and which one I did BUT they both looked really cute at the end. They're really fuzzy inside too which is nice. It was super pretty out today so after we finished making our slippers we went to the park to play...

I had her choose some books to donate today and we left them in the little library and then played for an hour or so. She made a few new friends (as usual lol) and had a ton of fun playing with them until we went back home to get ready for her first hip hop dance class.

So far, she really likes it, but we'll see how that goes when it gets stacked with gymnastics again in the spring! It was a fun but super busy day. :)


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