The magical mystery box...
Today Evie is learning about touch! We had a lot of fun with this one and I even set up a temporary table to do the activities on which she was super excited about. We started with these little touch cards. We bought these at Micheals but you could make them SUPER easily with swatches of different fabrics or material, glue, and cardboard.
I dropped two of them into individual tissue boxes so she could touch them but not see them and then she had to guess if they were the same or different. I also made her a large "mystery box" to put her hands into and try to tell me what was inside.
She did try to peek a few times!! She was also super impressed with how well I was able to guess the things that SHE put into the box for me to guess. This activity was fun for her for a few hours so we didn't do our letter review today but we'll double up another day and make up for it.
We wrapped up today playing with some Barbies and making them some little cookies to eat. ;) Tomorrow we will have taste day and I just know Evie is going to be super excited for it.
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