Try the gray stuff, it's delicious...
Today Evie learned about taste. She particularly loved today's activity because she got to snack. 😂 This is one we actually might repeat every so often too though because she was much more willing to try the things in this cup than she typically is when they are on her plate and that meant she discovered she really likes some of the things she's been avoiding.
Essentially, I set up a line of little cups with one or two bites of food in them. Some of the foods were salty (like olives!), some sweet (candied cherries), some sour (lemons), and some of them were more earthy like beet chips that she has absolutely refused to eat in the past but popped into her mouth with a smile thinking it was a strawberry and ended up really loving. She was a good sport about trying everything but the candied cherry, but she did eat it (and really loved it too) and the only thing she really didn't like was the olives. But I made sure she ate that one in the middle of some things I already knew she loves.
Not only did she find some new things to like but the game also helped her understand textures which I think will be helpful in the future when she doesn't like specific things. Texture can be a big issue with kids and this will hopefully help her explain what it is she doesn't like about a particular food which may open doors to switch up the way things are served.
After we finished that we played with her little Sago Pet Cafe for a while. She got to serve me food and I made sure to ask her about the items on the menu; how does it taste? Is it hot or cold? Is it soft or crunchy? She had a lot of fun with that activity too. I think the Pet Cafe is my absolute favorite box we've ever gotten from Sago Mini. We've gotten TONS of use out of it and it has traveled all over with us. Tomorrow we are going to talk about smell and I've got a similar game set up for her to smell things. Hopefully she enjoys it as much as she enjoyed the food. 😂
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