B is for Belle...
It's day two of B is for week and today we had our princess day. We played with a Belle sensory bin which Evie loved. It's hard to tell from the photograph but the rice in this bin is gold and sparkly. She also loved playing with all the little gems and guessing what color they'd be when she flipped them over from their silver side.
We colored a lot today and practiced writing letters again. We also worked some on the number 2. Her numbers up to about 15 are pretty solid so we're not doing a super in depth review of them until after 10. But we are talking about them and also working more on her counting in general. In the afternoon we made a berry crumble that we could eat after dinner. Today is usually our family dinner night but everyone was sick this week so we decided to post pone it! Tomorrow we are learning about a new place so stay tuned to see what it will be! :)
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