B is for Butterfly...
This week we are starting the letter "B" for our review. Today we did some practice writing the letter and then we made some paper tear butterflys.
Evie had a lot of fun putting this together and gluing on the pom balls.
She also had fun doing the worksheets even though she doesn't love sitting still to do them! We did one today where she had to choose the items that started with the letter "B" and it was a good opportunity to talk about letter sounds and how we can sound things out to see how to spell them. We've worked a little bit on spelling and reading and she can recognize a few words but she spent a good half hour today trying to guess (and mostly succeeding!) what letter certain words started with by sounding out the first syllable.
These weeks aren't quite as fun as the themed ones we've done in the past but she's learning so much and that's the important thing. ;)
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