D is for Diagon Alley...
It's been a crazy week so today we decided to have some fun! Evie is a big Harry Potter fan even though she's only seen the first two movies and we haven't worked through the books quite yet. She's still a little young for some of the content but she loves to hear the stories anyway. So today we decided to use a fictional place to round out our week. We read some of the Tales of Beetle the Bard, had a "Quidditch match" in the living room, decorated a wand for her, and sorted her into a house. Then we finished it up wtih a potions class.
For her sorting ceremony I set out four cups and she chose the one she wanted. I gave her a bottle of vinegar and when she squeezed it into the cup it revealed her house!
Ravenclaw it is! She loved the sparkles I put in here too. I suspect when she is sorted later in life she will turn out to be a Hufflepuff rather than a Ravenclaw BUT as a fellow Ravenclaw myself I wasn't sad to see her choose this cup. She definitely does love learning and is very witty for her young age so maybe she will be one after all. A lot can happen between 4 and 13!
We took the final cups into potions class and she got to fizz up the colors there and mix them around. I wish I hadn't put my Halloween cauldron into storage since it would have been fun to do the mixing in there but you can't win them all.
We used the magic of science to make some worm eggs next. She was iffy about these because they were very squishy. After we made a bunch of small ones we encased them in a large green egg and then she got to squeeze them all out so we could hatch them.
She enjoyed that only slightly more. Still too squishy for her. It's always interesting to me to see how she does with textures and stuff because for example, she loves to make and play with slime, but these squishy balls were not her thing. She likes messes but only certain ones I suppose.
We "hatched" these worms into color change and glow in the dark worms. She played with the color change ones for at least an hour. She really enjoyed turning them from clear to bright pink and it was cool for her to watch them "disappear" into the cup of water when they were clear. The glow ones were a hit too but not quite as much so.
It was a fun, Hogwarts filled day! I imagine we'll work some wizardry into future weeks because this was a huge hit and it really wasn't too difficult to set up either.
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