It's a lovely day for a picnic...
Today we had a really slow day. Evie got up late and she wasn't in the best mood. This week has been out of our normal routine thanks to her trip to Children's so since it was so sunny outside we took this as an opportunity to play outside and have a mid-day picnic. At lunchtime we packed up the picnic basket, set up our blanket and basket in the yard, and enjoyed some sandwiches and fancy juice (just frozen berries in fruit juice!), and soaked up some much needed sunshine.
Last year we took our picnic basket to the park countless times and played and ate and just had a little break from the day and Evie is VERY excited for park picnics again! She also had dance class this evening. They are starting to really work on their routine for the recital and she's doing a great job following along with it. I can't wait to see how she does this summer with it. :)
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