The Magical Mystery lemonade...


Over the weekend it was SO sunny. It was so sunny to the point it was actually HOT at one point. At close to 80* outside we spent our whole weekend painting the driveway with chalk, blowing bubbles, grilling out, and playing at parks. So today when it went back down into the 40's and rained non-stop you can imagine Evie's intense disappointment. She was so excited thinking it was finally summer. 

When we left kindergarten enrollment, we had a sheet that gave us information on what things they like them to know coming into kindergarten. It's not a must know -- just a guide to where they like everyone to be at. So this morning we worked on seeing if Evie was at, ahead of, or below the range for writing her lower and uppercase letters. It turns out (no surprise) that she's well above where she needs to be so after we finished I set up a fun "beach" day for her with Harvey from Sago Mini. She had a finger puppet and a little beach set up with a hot dog stand and she had a ton of fun making me different types of hot dogs. Then we did a search and find...

To wrap up our day we made a mermaid cloud lemonade. Essentially you pop a piece of cotton candy on top of a glass of butterfly pea tea and then pour in the lemonade. But her face when that drink started to change from blue to purple was priceless!!

She loved drinking it too and since it's pretty low in sugar it's a win for everyone. ;) 


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