Check up day...
Today was check up day with Evie's ophthalmologist. We had to see a different doctor this time because her usual one had no openings until August and it wasn't the smoothest visit. The doctor part was fine but the previous nurses we've seen were very patient with Evie and gave her plenty of warning when potentially uncomfortable or painful things were coming up. This time her nurse seemed impatient and annoyed and didn't warn either one of us that her dilation drops were going to sting. So Evie was pretty upset in general about it. I am pretty used to pulmonology appointments and what will happen and how it may feel but this is only our second time with ophthalmology so I didn't recall the painful drops from the previous time and I felt awful that she was uncomfortable.
After she was finished up I asked her what she wanted to do since she had done such a good job and she said all she wanted was to have a mama/Evie day. So we went to a "fancy" restaurant and got some lunch and colored some pictures together.
...and then we headed to the library and got a bunch of books to read together. After we got our books we walked down to the ice cream shop and got some ice cream and read some of the books. Then it was time to head up to nana's house for family dinner night! It was a busy day and a bit of a rough start but we made the most of it and ended it on a happy note. :)
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