Reindeers are better than people...
It's reindeer day! Today was a hustle! Last week I ordered some ears online and in typical Amazon style my package was delayed five days. -_- So I went out yesterday to try to find some in store...unsuccessfully. Cut to today...Evie had this headband that had a tiny bow on it so I cut off the bow and got to work cutting felt and cardboard to make one.
After I got it all glued together I added some glitter, because who doesn't love glitter?
Finally we added the bow back on. It turned out really nice and Evie loved wearing it! She has two more days of Christmas spirit week before break but luckily they're easy ones! After school today we also had a mini girls day and grabbed some books, cookies, and makeup just to get out of the house and have some one on one time together. It was Evie's first time in forever inside a bookstore and she wanted ALL the books. We settled on two that were in a reasonable price range and she was ecstatic to bring them home. <3
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