Sideways day...
Today started out pretty well. Evie was pretty cheerful when she got up, she did her chores, we finished up her homework for the month and then we had lunch and got loaded in the car to go to school. That's when the day went sideways. After I got her loaded up I got in to turn the car on wouldn't start. At all. I ran and got our second key fob to try it....still nothing. Next we opened up the hood to see if anything looked or smelled off. No dice. At this point I had no way to get her to school since the bus ran 40 minutes earlier and even if I did I would have no way to get her back HOME from school so we had to take an unexcused day.
When I called to let the school know they also let ME know that Evie now has 7 unexcused days. Which...was a surprise. And since I put her on the bus OR drop her off everyday I know she can't be skipping. Plus I mean...she's 5. So the secretary told me the days and then I was even MORE shocked because on all but one of those days Evie was out because she was either sick and had been to the doctor OR she had a specialist appointment. So this is how I end up finding out that even though I've been sending notes into her teacher in her folder for her to be excused, they have mysteriously disappeared.
So at this point I end up having to call her pediatrician and three branches of the childrens hospital to get her 5 days excused so she will only have TWO unexcused absences (which tbh I think is absolutely ridiculous since it costs $150 to go to the pediatrician to get a note and no one is going to do that repeatedly just to get an "excuse" to miss school but I digress). After I finished that we set about figuring out the car situation.
Luckily it ended up just being the battery and we got it taken care of and then since it was nicer out Evie and I had a Globlies fight and painted for awhile in the driveway. Here's hoping tomorrow goes more smoothly!!
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