The Light Box...
Today was unsurprisingly rough. Although Evie still has a cough and a runny nose she is negative for COVID and has no fever so I sent her off to school even though I waffled about it. She has been out for two weeks and I just couldn't imagine keeping her home on the first day back. She seemed to do OK with it although she said she used a lot of tissues in class. After school we headed up to Nana's for dinner. Her energy seemed pretty high when she was playing with her cousins so I was hopeful she was starting to feel better but around bedtime her cough flared up awfully again. You can't give her honey because it makes her gag so I made her some jello juice and gave her a cough suppressant (which I never typically do) to hopefully help her sleep but despite my best efforts and a humidifier she was still up all night again. :/ Yay for the new year.
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