The Meltdown...
Well today was a rough one. It started off fine but as we drew closer and closer to bus time Evie started to meltdown. In a BIG way. She refused to get dressed. She wouldn't eat lunch. She didn't want to put on shoes. There were tears. Lots and lots of tears. So because my job is pretty flexible I decided to see how driving her to school would go. We have never done the drop off before so I had to do a little research on where to go and how to do it. But I left work early, she ate some lunch, got dressed, and we grabbed her bag and headed out. It was a new adventure for sure but for once she went into school with a smile on her face. It makes me really sad how hard the bus has been for her. She was SO excited last year to ride that big, yellow school bus. A few of her neighborhood friends ride too so I'm not sure if it's the noise or the bus bully making it so hard. Maybe it's the cold of the bus stop and the ride. Maybe it's just the extra 45 minutes with mama that's the appeal. Whatever the reason it looks like we're fulltime car riders for a little while. Hopefully at some point she will switch back to bus riding but for now if it avoids tears we're going to make it work.
After school we got to go to open swim at her gym. Tonights theme was snowball fight and they had plush snowballs all around the pool for us to toss at each other. It was a pretty fun night! I love these open swims. It's really fun, especially in the colder months to be able to go in and swim in a nice warm pool and just have fun and relax. It's almost like a mini vacation. We're headed in to a long weekend now and I can't wait!
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