The Monday Blues...
It's the first day of our first FULL week in awhile and it sure felt like it! Evie was not happy about going back to school today and she didn't have a good day there either. Unfortunately, that's been a theme of late. Well...since school started really. She has to sit next to a few bullies who say mean things to her and do things to get under her skin. Kids are already forming cliques and while she seems to have plenty of friends and her teacher says she is popular and well liked she says she finds it hard to fit in with the groups. So between kids being nasty to her, a bus full of loud kids, and just it being a typical Monday she left for school and came home from school in tears. After school I asked her what would make her feel better and she said Target and Starbucks so off we went. We didn't buy anything, just looked around at toys, clothes, and other things and then picked up a few coffees and a cake pop to go. Here's hoping this doesn't set a tone for the whole week.
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