

Today Evie started some of her homework for the month. Her teacher sends home packets and workbooks each month and she has the entire month to complete the specified lessons. She has had a rough time getting back into the routine of school after her break and illness so I was hoping by starting off with some work it would help with the transition. It did not. She has had a hard time riding the bus due to some sensory issues and also some mean kids and it seems like school hasn't been much better. Evie is no stranger to bullies since she dealt with a few in preschool and unfortunately those same kids ended up in her class this year. But hopefully as the year progresses things will improve. She does really well at making friends and her teacher says she is well liked so we'll see how it goes. We also did some lunch time tests today to see how she does eating and getting packed lunches opened and cleaned up within the time frame she has for next year. No final decisions have been made but it doesn't hurt to see how things go! 


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