Dinner Helper...
We had a bit of a busy day today cleaning up the house and getting things ready for our mini trip tomorrow. This evening I recruited Evie to help me with dinner. Prior to the last year or so Evie always helped me make and clean up dinner. When school started we put our regular routine aside to try and create a new one that would fit around her school schedule and make room for homework and playtime. Recently we've been moving back toward our original routine again. Evie expressed that she is really sad we don't do theme weeks and projects anymore...largely that is because I don't want to get super messy before school. But I miss our fun projects too so in the next two weeks we're going to transition back into morning learning and as the weather gets warmer I'm excited to move our play time outside. Tonight she helped me make one of her favorite dinners--meatballs. She did a great job with them too! After dinner we got the rest of our stuff packed up for tomorrow and headed off to bed. Evie is SUPER excited for a night out of town and in a hotel! :)
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