Freeze Dance and the boredom jar...


As expected the weather outside was abysmal today. Too cold to play and also kind of cloudy. I had planned to use this day for Evie to catch up on her homework for the month but she wasn't in the mood and I didn't feel like fighting about it. We played several rounds of freeze dance and The Floor Is Lava and then Evie decided she was bored. So we pulled a card from her boredom jar. Then she grabbed a book and we played some I Spy.

When that got old we played the Scavenger Hunt game. I love this game for her while I'm working because it requires so little involvement from me but to her it feels like a lot of one on one time. I made a list of prompts and then she had to take her shopping cart around and get the items. We did two of these; one I asked her to get things that felt a certain way and for the second I asked her to get me things that made her feel certain feelings. It was tricky for her but it was fun to see what she grabbed. At the end I set a timer and told her she had to put everything back away in the time. Then once we had finished both rounds and she had cleaned up I let her choose a treat from her candy bin. It was a good way to end the week. I'm looking forward to some fun themed activities next week! :)


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