Garden beds and plant transfers...
It's another gorgeous day outside and probably the last one for awhile. After today the temps drop 20 degrees and it's going to be super chilly. So this morning when Evie asked if she could play outside when she got up she got an immediate yes. I popped inside for a few minutes to grab some lunch for us and when I came back she was digging up my flower beds. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was gardening. So I told her if she wants to garden she should start in the vegetable beds!
She got her shovel and some seed pots and headed over to "transfer" plants. This next week by request we are starting up theme weeks again and I think we will do an eco-week since she is super into the planet, recycling, and gardening right now. She was VERY disappointed about going to school today and leaving all her plants behind. ;)
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