The Nature Walk

This week we discovered that some birds had made a nest in one of our trees in the backyard. This happens pretty much every year but usually the nests are too high for us to see them. This year if you look just right you can see the three little baby birds in the nest. Evie discovered this this morning when she found a little egg in her plastic pool. After she found the egg and we found the birds we decided to go on a little hunt to see what else we could find. Almost immediately we found another bird egg in our side yard. The first egg Evie bound was small, blue, and speckled. The second egg we found was white with large spots. After finding both eggs and realizing that bird eggs are not all the same Evie really wanted to go see if we could find some more. So we took a little basket down to the park I looked for eggs along the way. We ended up with three eggs and a pine cone. She was so interested in the eggs and what birds had laid them that we almost missed the bus! But luckily we made it on time. I love taking these little walks with her and seeing her get so excited about nature and science. 



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