There's always a bright side...
Today we are starting to change up our schedule to accommodate Evie being home in a few weeks. Since we're pushing bedtime a little later to avoid the 6:30AM wakeups we decided to take a little walk to the park after dinner. We made some chocolate covered bananas (since we had some that needed to be eaten ASAP!) and grabbed some waters and headed down for about a half hour. She's also doing really great with her chore chart and today was a ridiculously smooth day for some reason. She got up, made her bed all by herself, got her clothes together and headed into preschool with zero complaints or fussing. She did demand that she be able to take her Poppy plush with her though. It came to her from her cousin a year or so ago and she's been the toy of choice lately. Since she finished all her chores she got to press the button on her prize capsule machine I built the other day. Prize for tonight was a piece of candy which she was very happy about.
We also read her new story from the bookstore the other day. She really loves this one right now and I'm trying to decide if she's quite ready to see the movie yet! I really love these little abridged versions of grown up stories. They're the perfect length and they capture just enough of the story for your little one. It was great to have a change from her monster books too. ;)
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