Drops of Jupiter...


It's Nana Day! The weather has gotten so chilly that I think our outside lunch breaks are coming to an end. Today we scored this kip bar and since the bars are Evie's favorite part of gymnastics, she was keen to put it to use as soon as I got it built. We spent most of our morning cleaning up the office and working on the last of her homework for the month. Then it was off to Nana's house! When we got home we also spent some time outside checking out Jupiter. Evie was incrediby excited that we could actually see it from our house. She has always been super interested in space and I love to see how she lights up when she gets to talk about it and see planets and stars and moon phases in real life. Maybe someday she actually will be an astronaut ballerina and she can tell me what it's like up there in space. ;)


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