Meet me at midnight...
It's New Years Eve! This year we had a pretty chill night for NYE. This morning Evie and I transferred all our wishes from last year out of the jar and onto construction paper. I let her draw her wishes for the new year out as well. They were pretty great wishes! More sleep, more time with mama, more adventures, and more Starbucks! Then we shredded them all up, added glitter, and threw them in a bag to throw at "midnight". She really enjoyed writing out some resolutions as well. This year she resolved to play more, have more girls days, eat more ice cream, and dance more. I think those are some great resolutions for her! I love that spending more time with me made it to both her wish list and her resolutions. We don't do girls days a ton but it's awesome to know that those little moments mean as much to her as they do to me. So I will definitely make an effort to do more of them this year. After that we headed to her gym for snacks, crafts, gym time and a ba...