The lazy day...


Today we had a completely lazy day. I actually didn't even take any photos today because we didn't do much. This one is from the weekend when we had an impromptu birthday party for Kumi. Evie's ear improved only slightly today and she was still very tired, so she slept a lot and spent most of her day in bed. The air quality today is in the 200's and honestly, I was choking just being outside for a few minutes so playing outside wasn't going to happen anyway. We ate pizza in bed and played Dreamlight Valley and Animal Crossing and watched Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom so many times that Evie was slipping into a British accent by bedtime. Even though we accomplished very little it's important to have rest days, especially when you're recovering from illnesses so that's exactly what we did! Hopefully her ear is healed up soon and we can get back to the fun stuff though!


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