to seek out new life and new civilizations...
Today was a bit of a slower day for us. We played and did a little art and some worksheets. Despite being on the slower paced side we had a ton of fun. Most of what we worked on today (and things we wrapped up today) were a little hard to photograph so bear with me! I broke out the sensory bin today. We've been busy all week and haven't used it really so it was a good day to do it. This is the first time I've used rice for her and I had this brilliant idea to make it look like a night sky... So most of the rice I painted a dark blue/purple and then what was left I painted with glow in the dark paint. It was hard to take a picture of but it was seriously SO cool. Every time you mixed it up it was different and it really did look like a night sky filled with stars. She had fun playing with it in the bathroom (where it was darker) and it was an easy cleanup since the floors are tile in there! I threw in some foam planets, glitter stars, and an astronaut Neville as well. ...