
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Nature Walk

This week we discovered that some birds had made a nest in one of our trees in the backyard. This happens pretty much every year but usually the nests are too high for us to see them. This year if you look just right you can see the three little baby birds in the nest. Evie discovered this this morning when she found a little egg in her plastic pool. After she found the egg and we found the birds we decided to go on a little hunt to see what else we could find. Almost immediately we found another bird egg in our side yard. The first egg Evie bound was small, blue, and speckled. The second egg we found was white with large spots. After finding both eggs and realizing that bird eggs are not all the same Evie really wanted to go see if we could find some more. So we took a little basket down to the park I looked for eggs along the way. We ended up with three eggs and a pine cone . She was so interested in the eggs and what birds had laid them that we almost missed the bus! But luckil...

The Blind Box

Now that the house is spotless, and we've had some time to rest and relax we are starting to play fun games and learn a little bit at home again. Today I made Evie a large blind box and we played some sensory games where we put things in the box, and we had to guess what they were. We also have some matching cards with different textures on them and I would let her put her hand in the box feel the texture of what was in there and try to match it to the cards that we had. She really loves games like this where she gets to guess at things, and she had a lot of fun putting things in the box so that I had to guess too ! This was a super easy game to set up and she played it for most of the morning. We've done this one a few times in the past and it still seems to be a favorite so I'm sure we'll do it again in the future!  

The Big Boss Cleaning Game

Well, the warm weather is gone and the chilly weather is back. We still managed to spend a little bit of time outside today but it was pretty chilly for the most part . We're working really hard on getting back into our routines and because we were gone for a whole week a lot of things around the house have definitely fallen through the cracks. To give us some motivation we decided to make a fun game to help us clean. So today while E vie was at school I made us a cleaning game with a side quest deck. When she got home, she was so excited to help me play the game and clean up the house. She was actually a really huge help and vacuum some floors, clean some mirrors, and cleaned up a bunch of her toys. At the end of the game she earned some quarter tickets which she can exchange later for 15 minute segment of time or quarters if she likes. it was a fun way of getting her involved in the cleaning and also keeping us on a schedule.  

The Bee and the Three Headed Lion...

  Today was an interesting day for us and man was it full of adventure! First there's a bee that's been buzzing around our backyard and driving us crazy all week. We thought it was a bumblebee but we discovered later that it's actually a Carpenter bee. This little guy likes to get right up in her face and buzz around our head like he wants to start a fight! we looked around and couldn't find a nest nearby but we decided to relocate this little guy anyway. The cats are often out on the patio with us and I just really didn't want anyone to get stung. It was pretty easy to catch him so we put him in a little jar and took him with us to the bus stop. As we stopped to let him out of the jar we found another surprise, a dandelion with one stem and three flowers! I have never seen anything like it and Evie just had to have it. She picked it and used it as a fairy wand while we waited for the bus, and then I took it home to add to her collection of little t...

Coffee and water balloons...

Today is B is for book day at school so Evie gets to bring her favorite book and it's also bring a stuffy day so she gets to bring in her favorite stuffy which is Pusheen . We read some books at home to celebrate B is for book day but the weather was so nice today that we just had to get outside too ! We filled up Evie's water table and she played in water for a while and then we have some iced coffees and got ready for school. It's been a nice relaxing week so far and next week is calling for cold weather so we're going to enjoy this while it lasts!    

A is for Airplane...

Well we're back to school this week and since there are only 26 days of school remaining Evie’s school is doing a fun countdown with the letters of the alphabet. Today is A and the theme for today is A is for airplane. Even though they were going to make airplanes in school today we decided to make one for ourselves and see how it flew. Evie had a lot of fun choosing her plane, folding it up, and flying in around the yard. We also put a little space Kitty in there just for fu n! I t' s been a nice week so far and I hope the weather keeps u p we 'r e doing well on our 10 00   hours outs i d e challe ng e a nd i t' s been nice to be in the sunshine again.